Superstar Kiccha Sudeep recently unveiled the first look of the highly anticipated film, ‘World of UI’ on his Twitter. Coinciding with a grand event held in Bangalore, the teaser was launched amongst eminent personalities including renowned producer Allu Arvind and the iconic Century Star Shiva Rajkumar. This big reveal was live-streamed on leading platforms, creating a global buzz.
Directed and conceived by the visionary Upendra, ‘World of UI’ is an ambitious project that has been in the making since the mid-2000s. The storyline delves into a global subject promising a thought-provoking cinematic experience. Boasting a staggering budget of Rs 100 Crore, this period action film is set to redefine the standards of entertainment.
The teaser, which has left audiences eagerly anticipating the film’s release, showcases an entirely different visual world built for UI built by Upendra’s Unimaginable Direction described by insiders as nothing short of surrealistic. Going with the intriguing tag line of the movie ‘This is not AI, this is UI,’ the teaser offers a glimpse into the immersive and captivating universe created by the talented team behind the movie. With top-of-the-line special effects, vibrant landscapes, haunting music, high-octane action sequences, great Art Direction and Upendra’s signature heroic entry, the teaser speaks volumes about the large-scale entertainment that ‘World of UI’ promises to deliver.
Joining Upendra in the cast are talented actors including Reeshma Nanaiah, Murali Sharma, Nidhi Subbaiah, Ravi Shankar, Sadhu Kokila and Cockroach Sudhi among others, in pivotal roles. Upendra, in addition to directing, has also penned the screenplay and takes on the lead role in this ambitious venture.
The film’s entire soundtrack and music are composed by the Kantara famed acclaimed B Ajaneesh Loknath, adding another layer of brilliance to the project. ‘World of UI’ promises to be a cinematic masterpiece, bringing together a stellar cast, a compelling storyline, and groundbreaking visuals.
Produced by G Manoharan, Sreekanth KP and Co – Produced by Naveen Manoharan under the Lahari Films and Venus Entertainers banners, This film has Art Direction from KGF Fame Shivakumar and VFX from Vikranth Rona Fame Nirmal Kumar, this ground-breaking film is set to captivate audiences worldwide.