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HomeHumanaro Foundation to address environmental issues and protect the environment by tree...

Humanaro Foundation to address environmental issues and protect the environment by tree Plantation

Humanaro Foundation is playing an essential role in preserving the planet earth through various methods like tree plantation so that it builds more green cities and keep the environment clean. Humanaro Foundation will run an awareness campaign to protect the environment.The Foundation pledgesto make a positive effort and raise awareness to tell the importance of environment by conducting an awareness campaign among children in government and non-government schools of Bihar and Jharkhand.

Needless to say, deforestation, pollution and climate change have led to the degradation of the environment like never before. Absolute resolve and commitment to environmental protection is the need of the hour that can be carried out with mass afforestation and commitment to several day to day changes. Humanaro Foundation aims at tree plantation across the country and plans to plant millions of trees in the near future. Director of Humanaro Foundation Kumar Vishal said that the target of tree plantation set by the organization will also be fulfilled.

In the words of the director of Humanaro Foundation Kumar Vishal “Environmental protection saves lives and we all are struggling today with various environment problems such as climate change and Air Pollution and the main cause behind this is deforestation. Now its only in our hand either we become a part of this problem or just become a part of the solution. Now is the time where we all should stand up for the protection of our planet through our daily actions”

Through this awareness campaign, Humanaro Foundation will be able to contribute towards environmental protection that can further bring various benefits – create new jobs, save lives, conserves natural resources, animal welfare, positive change, fight against natural disasters and various others.

The overall development of the country is strongly dependent on the environmental protection. Every country wants economic growth and development to be established and to make it possible the contribution of the biodiversity is a must. Humanaro Foundation is creating Awareness of environmental protection as human awareness also needs to be developed about the need to preserve the environment by preventing adverse impacts on nature.


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