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HomeLatest“Morphing Into A Leader” - By Capt. Dr. Sukhwinder Kaur

“Morphing Into A Leader” – By Capt. Dr. Sukhwinder Kaur

Author’s Background: A natural visionary, she devoted much of her time to crafting her dreams into narratives and poetry, securing placements in school and college publications, newspapers, and numerous diaries that now occupy several cartons at her home. Evolving into an influential leader, a micro-influencer, and an active YouTuber, she shares videos and stories drawn from daily life to inspire her audience. Following her service in the Indian Army, she has taken on roles as a college lecturer, corporate leader specializing in workplace solutions, and an entrepreneur. Notably, she successfully launched and operated “The Paratha Café” for two years while concurrently pursuing her doctoral research on Women Entrepreneurship in India. In her leisure moments, she engages in gardening, creates crafts from recycled materials, or embarks on road trips in her SUV to reconnect with nature and document her experiences for her channel.

Book Synopsis: As a hands-on learner, I recognized the need for a book delving into leadership through practical experiences, real-life incidents, and straightforward truths. In 2018, I decided to articulate the lessons derived from my professional journey in alignment with my approach of “doing and telling.” Whether in personal or professional spheres, leadership has been a central role in my life, and “MORPHING INTO A LEADER” encapsulates my narrative.

1. Can you provide insights into your book?

This book compiles stories of crucial lessons in leadership, presented through my “doing and telling” style. These narratives encapsulate memorable and impactful experiences that have shaped my abilities to manage and lead, contributing to my career progression. Each story stands independently, allowing readers to draw their own insights—be it one lesson or more, depending on their depth of exploration.

2. Was there a specific catalyst for this story, or did the idea emerge spontaneously?

Around 2018, I decided to document incidents, people, and circumstances that imparted valuable lessons in effective leadership. Having read numerous leadership books across military, corporate, academic, spiritual, and social domains by renowned and lesser-known authors, I often found myself grappling with jargon and theory. My preference for a language of action, of doing and telling, as a hands-on learner motivated me to share my experiences in an accessible manner.

3. What prompted you to start writing?

Stories have been ingrained in my upbringing as a tradition and almost a ritual. My grandparents and two aunts introduced me to the realms of fantasy, magic, heroism, historic tales, mythology, and moral stories. Writing, whether in the form of poems, essays, or stories, has been my medium of sharing and inspiring.

4. How did you feel when you read your first draft?

I experienced a mix of nervousness and uncertainty about the book’s appeal. While passionate about the stories that constituted my lived experiences, I questioned their relatability to readers.

Dr. Sukhwinder Kaur

5. Which part of your story resonates with you the most, and why?

Every story holds significance as the 26 most impactful incidents of my professional life. However, the final one is particularly close to my heart as it delves into the aspects that render life meaningful.

6. What distinguishes your book as a must-read?

Authenticity, relatability, a simple narrative, and conciseness define my book. Each story imparts a clear leadership lesson without adopting a preachy tone.

7. What was the most valuable writing advice you received?

“Be yourself and avoid unnecessary additions for the sake of extending the pages.”

8. Who is your all-time favorite author, and which of their works made you a fan?

Ayn Rand, particularly her book “The Fountainhead,” embodies my life philosophy. Paolo Coelho’s entire body of work and Mitch Albom are also among my favorite authors.

9. What timeless advice do you offer to fellow writers?

Write authentically and for yourself. Resist the urge to conform to trends or fads; let your originality serve as your signature.

10. Which scene posed the greatest challenge to write?

The most challenging part was narrating the author’s—my own—story. Deciding what to include and omit proved to be a complex task.

11. Do you have another storyline in the works?

Yes, I aspire to chronicle my personal journey and the transformative process that shaped the person I am today.

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