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HomeDB Special“This Much Is Enough For Me” -by Virender Kapoor

“This Much Is Enough For Me” -by Virender Kapoor

About the author: Virender Kapoor a Bestselling author, is a thinker, an educationist and an inspirational guru. An alumnus of IIT Bombay and the former director of a prestigious management institute under the Symbiosis umbrella, His books on emotional intelligence, passion quotient, military principles- Mission Accomplished, leadership, Jugaad, work life balance and self-help have been translated into several regional and foreign languages and read across the world. These are also referred by aspirants of prestigious competitive exams. Value education books for school children ‘Life with Values’ from class 1 to class 8 by S Chand publishers is his recent initiative. He writes a regular column for TOI NIE; he also contributes to Economic Times, India today, Rediff and many prestigious magazines and dailies.

Summary of the book: A brilliantly portrayed parable, set in modern day India, tells the story of a bright and ravishingly beautiful unmarried, highly ambitious girl, on the verge of a total burn out, taking her into a downward spiral to the bottom of the ocean. Arti reluctantly seeks ‘intellectual patronage’ of Guruji- educated, suave and charming man- advised by her colleague, Vasundhara. Guruji, is selective and takes ‘high fliers in distress,’ under his wings, only by referral- not charging even a rupee for his indulgence. A very honorable, gratuitous act of charity. Guruji is not that saffron clad, tilakdhari, tantric Baba living in an ashram, but an IIT plus IIM combo – a double barrel so to say, matured well-read articulate persona, who is an avid golfer and socializes with movers and shakers of the world living his life to the fullest on his own terms. Yet very much grounded, very modern in outlook who himself changed tracks from crazy-corporate to cozy-comfort with a little adjustment and trade-off with his ego and irrelevant ambition. Guruji shows her, how to live life well and on her own terms- turning around her attitude towards life. They visit several people who shifted gears to live a more meaningful and stress free life, some changed their professions- most of them. He takes both the beautiful and very well qualified, highly ambitious girls to those people who were on a similar fast track and changed their life- many changed professions to- to live a much more relaxed life.

Today young men and women are getting heart attacks, diabetes and hypertension at young age of 40. Popping anti depression pills, trying to struggle with panic attacks, stress and hospitalization is very common. Then they spend money to go for a detox camp and then ‘retox and detox’ never ending cycle keeps them on- dropping dead one day. What for? No one understands. This book is no spiritual gyan or management jargons which people are fed up of, but a very beautifully told story, with a bit of appropriately placed romance and a wonderful way to convince your heart, mind and soul in several visually vibrant settings which takes over a reader immediately. Unputdownable, a racy story which can change your life for sure. You can see the characters right in front of your eyes. Guruji is well aware of the fast track syndrome and pities’ the youth who do not know where to draw the line- they in fact do not know ‘How much is enough to be happy’. To know this much is enough for me is one single message which is the only key to live life the way you should.You get only one life. Don’t kill yourself, else tomorrow may not even come.

 Virender Kapoor

‘Slow and steady at least finishes the race’- guruji

  1. Can you tell us a little about your book?

Today life has become very demanding and on top of that everyone wants to reach the sky. Perform or perish is the life mantra. People are running on a treadmill as if tomorrow may not come. We are accumulating money, property and the works not knowing where to stop till we hit a steel wall- a burn out- and it is too late by then. The basic problem is not being able to understand ‘How much is enough’ to live well. At the end of the day you don’t require three properties, millions in your bank account kilos of gold and five luxury cars. I have written this book to demonstrate that there is a line you can draw to live well and happily without killing yourself. I have taken stories of some high fliers and these are live characters who chose to slow down and now live a meaningful life. Guruji is a a well-read man who himself worked for big companies and left it as he found it to be a waste of life and now he mentors people in distress. Arti is the central character who is coached by him to shift gears.

  1. Is there a specific event that inspired this story or was this an out of the blue idea?
    Not a specific event but you read it in the news or on TV that people are getting heart attacks at 35 years age- it is a pity that they don’t know that slowing down a bit will be a great nourishing change. That is how I decided to write this book.
  2. What got you writing in the first place?
    As mentioned above this was ticking in my mind for a while and I decided to go for it. I am sure it would help those who want to make a change- author can do just this much only. But stories are compelling and motivational too.
  3. What was your impression of your first draft when you read it?
    Oh I found it to be racy and full of live characters one can relate to. I made a few of my friends read the draft and they said it hits the bull’s eye. A few suggested that this could become a short series on OTT as this is the need of the hour. Since this is not preachy, it is very authentic picture of what is happening. The plot is strong, someone has to develop a screen play and I feel iot will be a commercial success.
  4. Which part of your story connects the most with you? Why?
    The entire idea connects with my way of life. I chose to remain away from corporate hiss and went on to teaching and education- I have no regrets. Being an engineer from IIT, I could have also gone into the industry spiral! But better sense prevailed. Everyone is going through their ups- and – downs, through my book. I am able to connect everyone’s life.
  5. What makes your book the one to read?
    It is practical, very interesting and the need of the hour. More than half the people are running after a mirage of success which they don’t know what exactly that means. I am sur it will have soothing effect on the readers and I am sure each one will draw a nugget of gold for himself or herself.
  6. What was the best advice you got while writing?
    Keep it short and crisp and I think I did that. A normal reader can finish it in a day or two. Very smooth reading.
  7. Who’s your all-time favourite author? Which book of his/hers made you fall in love with them?
    Lee Iacocca and Fredrick Forsyth.
  8. What is your evergreen tip to the writers out there?
    If you have something good to say and know how to say- then say it. There are people who want to read.
  9. What was your hardest scene to write?
    None whatsoever- I love writing and that is my oxygen.
  10. Do you have another plot brewing?
    No plot but yes a few more books are under production and of course in the head. I like experimenting.

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