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“The Boss Dilemma” By Trishna Chaudhuri

Trishna Chaudhuri is an avowed reader of romantic novels and an untiring watcher of romcoms. Between her day job as a teacher of English in a prestigious school and her 24×7 job as a mother of two, she decided to try her hand at writing herself and came up with a bunch. She has two more novels in the works.

Born to a naval officer father and an English teacher mother, Trishna graduated in History from St Stephen’s College in Delhi and then completed her Master’s in Sociology and Women’s Studies from Pune University. She has been teaching in some of India’s best schools in Hyderabad, Gurgaon, and now Bangalore. She is married with two children.

Let’s dive into the interview with the author to know the journey of “The Boss Dilemma”.

Can you tell us a little about your book?

My book, The Boss Dilemma is a simple romance. A modern romance. It is set

in India, in Bangalore. Where two people, who work in the same place fall in


Is there a specific event that inspired this story or was this an out-of-the-blue idea?

This was actually out of the blue. I am a die-hard romantic…I have many stories

plots in my mind all the time… a few have been wallowing in my computer

for years…this is one that was sort of there but took its own form once I started

looking at it again.

What got you writing in the first place?

I have always written….some poetry, some casual pieces for my now dormant

blog, I write long posts for my social media accounts….and I teach English….so

I always have been writing in some way or the other.

What was your impression of your first draft when you read it?

I didn’t know it was anything at first. Let alone the first draft. But well, I started

writing my stories in April, when I was home cleaning and cooking and

Read Also- A peaceful mind leads to a peaceful life.

whatnot during the lockdown. Writing my stories, all romances…was my,

way of spending time with myself. So, my first draft of the story was read by

my friend…and she liked it. – Called it ‘Delicious!’

Which part of your story connects the most with you? Why?

Hmmm… I think it would be the funny bits… I am like that…funny. There is

the pub Watson’s that I like…so that for me is very Bangalore…there are many things mentioned in the story that have either happened in my life or to others around me…which have been tweaked into the story. The story is, I feel, quite relatable…it most probably would happen to people I know.

What makes your book the one to read?

I don’t know… it could just be your story. It is a story from today.

What was the best advice you got while writing?

I got no advice…. I just wrote. I chose a genre I liked…didn’t want it to be

heavy-duty or something that would need too much thought. It would just

be a casual read, something that would bring a smile, even if it was a cheesy

smile… to one’s face.

Who’s your all-time favorite author? Which book of his/hers made you fall in love with them?

My all-time favorite author has always been Jane Austen…. Do I need to say more? My favorite

book of hers has always been Pride and Prejudice and I love Mr. Darcy!

What is your evergreen tip to the writers out there?

Just write. Write for yourself…I write for myself. If you bring out a book,

we are lucky now ..not to be only restricted only to big publishers. One can

find various avenues to get your story read.

What was your hardest scene to write?

I think the most complex scene to write was the ending, or the bits leading up to

the ending. You realize you need to wrap up the story, but can’t seem to find

a path and seem to be just dragging it or going around in circles…. So, writing the last few chapters is tough.

Do you have another plot brewing?

Many… actually I have two more written and ready to publish….and a few

more plots in my mind…. all the fields are simple romances…so there isn’t any

surprise in that… but each had a different journey.



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