Thursday, March 20, 2025
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About The Author: The author, Dr. R. Pranesh Kumar, born in 1982, is a postgraduate in English literature from Presidency College,Chennai. He completed his doctoral research in Cognitive Linguistics at Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli. With a keen interest in teaching, he served at various leading institutions like Noorul Islam University, Kumaracoil, and Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), Vellore. At present, he serves as the Head of the English department at St. Alphonsa College of Arts and Science, Karinkal, Kanyakumari district, Tamil Nadu.

The author has, to his credit, published research papers in reputed national and international journals and has overseas conference participation experience. In spite of being the editor of two books, Stories from South

Kanyakumari is the first storybook by the author.

Summary Of The Book: The short stories in this collection reflect the lives of people in and around Kanyakumari, the southernmost tip of India, over the last hundred years. All the stories in this collection are fictitious but inspired by real-life incidents. A few of the stories are woven around the incidents narrated by my father. Words referring to regional temples, temple festivals, and regional varieties of plants in the stories are inevitable. Be it regional or universal, the emotions that bound the lives of human beings are the same. With this universal idea, I am sure that the stories here will appeal to all.

1. Can you tell us a little about your book?

The book is my maiden creative work. At the outset, I thank the publishers for helping me carry out the publication procedure in a comfortable way.

There are seven short stories in the book. The stories are rich with human emotions. This makes the book universally appealing. The majority of the stories are fictitiously woven around real incidents that happened decades ago. Some of them were the result of my ears dropping over the conversations my grandparents had.

I believe the stories will be appealing to all.

2. Is there a specific event that inspired this story or was this an out of the blue idea?

All the stories in this collection draw inspiration from real-life events.

3. What got you writing in the first place?

It may sound a bit philosophical. I wanted to leave my footprints on the earth in the form of a good work of art.

4. What was your impression of your first draft when you read it?
Wanted to make it better.

5. Which part of your story connects the most with you? Why?

The story “The Punishment” is the one to which I am most bonded, since the story centres around a member of my family.

6. What makes your book the one to read?

Raw life is being expressed throughout the stories.

7. What was the best advice you got while writing?
Keep the reader in mind.

8. Who’s your all-time favourite author? Which book of his/hers made you fall in love with them?

“The Old Man and the Sea” by Hemmingway.

9. What is your evergreen tip to the writers out there?

Start writing the first stanza. The rest will follow.

10. What was your hardest scene to write?

The romance in the story “The Dwarf”

11. Do you have another plot brewing?

Yes, a novel is in writing.
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