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HomeDB Special“SMART MANUFACTURING” - By Kamalakar Mutalik

“SMART MANUFACTURING” – By Kamalakar Mutalik

About The Author: Kamalakar Mutalik is a Mechanical Engineer with 57 years of experience in manufacturing and HR areas. Most of his service experience was with Tata Motors (20 years in manufacturing and 3 years as Divisional Manager of HR Division). Last two years of his service life was with a reputed seamless tube manufacturer as General Manager.

At the age of 48, he quit the service to start his own consultancy business. As a consultant, he helped many small and medium scale industries in the areas of project implementation, productivity, quality and HR. He was also a visiting faculty in reputed Management Institutions in Pune and covered subjects like Project Management, Quality, Modern Techniques, PPC, etc.

Summary Of The Book: In any organization, employees are mainly divided in three categories; Top Management, Middle Management and Operating people (Workers). There is a widespread feeling among the middle managers, especially in the manufacturing area, of getting sandwiched. They are held responsible for everything without having proper inputs. College education is of little help to them to deal with daily problems. Top Management has very little interest in their problems. The net result is there is a widespread frustration in this class of employees. What these people need is knowledge of some effective tools to handle tricky situations and get the desired results. Effort of this book is to give in their hand a complete set of such tools in way that is easy to understand and implement. The book can also be useful for the small scale manufacturing entrepreneurs and students of Production Management.

1. Can you tell us a little about your book?

It is a compilation of various techniques used by manufacturing industry to remain competitive by offering to customers what they want in terms of quality, buying and operating costs, service and on time deliveries.

2. Is there a specific event that inspired this story or was this an out of the blue idea?

With my experience of almost 53 years in the fields of manufacturing and HR, I felt that by sharing what I learnt and practiced may help the practicing manufacturing personnel to get better results for their organizations.

3. What got you writing in the first place?

Due to advancing age, I have stopped my consultancy of almost 27 years and felt that utilizing my time in putting down my knowledge on paper may help others in related profession.

4. What was your impression of your first draft when you read it?

As this was my first attempt in writing something, it needed a lot of modifications/additions and deletions as I went along so there was nothing as first draft.

5. Which part of your story connects the most with you? Why?

Topics dealing with human skills, as any organization is made great by the people working for it and not merely by tools and techniques.

6. What makes your book the one to read?

The book is specifically meant for the shop floor supervisors and managers and they will definitely find it useful as the contents of the book will help them to get the performance that the management expects from them.

7. Who’s your all-time favourite author? Which book of his/hers made you fall in love with them?

Dr. Edward E. Deming “Out of Crisis” and “A system of knowledge”.

8. What is your evergreen tip to the writers out there?

With only one book as author to my credit I do not think that I am suitably qualified to give tips to others.

9. What was your hardest scene to write?

Those involved with some mathematical content in it.

10. Do you have another plot brewing?

Not right now.

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