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Job Skill Predictions you Need to Know About

The job market has been in a state of flux for the past two years, owing in large part to the pandemic, and the scenario is unlikely to improve in 2022. Because the job market is so dynamic, staying on top of significant changes and trends is more vital than ever. That isn’t just true if you’re a recruiter or an employer; if you’re a job seeker, keeping on top of things is the greatest way to land the best job.

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, our notion of normal has shifted to the internet. Talk about a digital shift, from purchasing to planning, entertainment to communication and working! Through digital transformation, businesses were able to withstand the shock. And the workforce is now adjusting to the harsh reality of rapid digitization that we’ve all observed.

Several jobs were lost, there has been a lot of resignation, career changes across roles, domains, and industries. More than ever before, the workforce must reassess their abilities. This also necessitates that they plan for job skill trends in 2022.

Degrees are no longer sufficient.

As technology use increases, the need to review essential work skills will emerge. This skill gap and talent scarcity have been recognized by both employers and employees. According to a report in 2021, upskilling and reskilling programs are the top priority for 59 percent of L&D professionals globally. Several organizations are attempting to develop a skilled workforce.

Clearly, corporate leaders and professionals are realizing the importance of reskilling and upskilling. They’re also realizing that higher education degrees are no longer sufficient to advance their careers. Organizations, too, are taking an active role in reskilling by adopting a philosophy of continual learning. Lifelong learning is the answer to a fast-changing, digitally-connected world. In 2022, prominent developments will include online learning, upskilling, and reskilling.

Emerging skills that will be in demand

Computational thinking and digital literacy

The demand for persons with the appropriate digital skills is increasing as the world’s reliance on extremely sophisticated and continuously growing technologies develops. You’ve probably heard of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math), however, there is one more crucial term i.e., SMAC (social, mobile, analytics, and cloud). Although we may feel overwhelmed with digital buzzwords, becoming digitally literate opens doors to capabilities previously unimaginable in new technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, the Internet of Things (IoT), and data science.

From learning about data visualization and exploration to computational intelligence and natural language technology, a PG degree in artificial intelligence or e-Science can assist develop your digital aptitude and accelerate your technological savvy in these new sectors.

Making decisions and judgments

Although robots and automation technologies may be superior to humans in some areas, such as calculations and diagnostics, humans will indeed be responsible for the subjective aspects of data analytics.

Given that we are on the verge of the fourth industrial revolution, we will still require someone who can demonstrate to the rest of the world what numbers represent and their impact.

Social and emotional intelligence

Social and emotional intelligence remain distinctly human talents, despite the fact that they can be supplanted by digital technologies and artificial intelligence.

These qualities are essential in key industries such as Healthcare: professionals with social and emotional intelligence are in high demand, and such jobs will always require a human aspect. Working closely with people will almost certainly be a part of your future employment, therefore empathy, engagement, and great communication skills will be essential.

Ideation, creativity, and innovation

Despite a World Economic Forum report from 2018 claiming that robot automation will create more employment than it eliminates, you’ll do well to keep your creative skills sharp and retain an innovative mentality.

Natural creativity, like a high level of social intelligence, is something that can not be simply refurbished by modern-day’s digital tools. You’ll be appropriate as long as you can think beyond the box.

Digital Transformation

Organizations were pushed towards rapid digital transformation due to Covid-19. Businesses, people, and processes continue to be fueled by digital technologies. Education, retail, tourism, and entertainment industries all had to quickly change and absorb new technology and abilities just to stay afloat.” Technologies are continually evolving, forcing workers to learn and relearn. Employers are looking for digital transformation specialists that are knowledgeable about emerging technologies and prepared to learn on the job.


It makes no difference if the topic is ideas, sales, salary, or anything else. Negotiation skills are required to achieve your goals and persuade others. Everyone should learn this skill because it can be valuable in a variety of situations.

Flexibility / Adaptability

We must be adaptable in addition to learning new things (as already stated). Roles are shifting, colleagues are changing, business models are disrupting, and there is a slew of new (digital) outlets to explore. The world is transforming at a rapid pace, being able to cope with new conditions is a crucial talent.

There are tons of skills that the future job market needs. It is nearly impossible to work on every ability that is mentioned above, while also attempting to embody every single skill in one person. As a result, it would be prudent to advise that everyone examine his or her own strengths and shortcomings and work on them in their own unique way.

Vivek K Singh, Co-founder, and CEO, Careerera


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