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HomeDB Special“Change your life in 21 days” By Riccha Dubey

“Change your life in 21 days” By Riccha Dubey

Riccha Dubey, the author of this book, learned her first lesson, about “The Law of Attraction”, from Priya Kumar, at the age of 19.

Ever since she has been on her learning path. She pays her gratitude to many of her teachers, for being the person she is today. She is also an artist by profession and owns a company called “Oeuvre” Her clientele showcases the who’s who of the country, as she is one of the most sought-after artists in her industry.

In her own words, she says, “I have manifested every single event of my life, ever since I learned how to do it, and every single minute of it has been beautiful.” People who are close to her, know exactly what she is talking about. Riccha has also developed an alternate therapy, which she calls, “TDH, which stands for Theta Delta Healing” She combines customized affirmations, along with sound frequencies to create 8D audios that help heal/ reprogram or manifest what her clients desire.

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In her first book ” Change your life in 21 days” she brings forth certain facts and ways that are known to many yet few techniques and simulations unbeknownst to all. Riccha has compiled this book after regular practice of gratitude for over 25 years and the overwhelming response she received from people who followed her guidance to the T. She hopes this book becomes a beacon of hope and opens up new avenues for her readers.

 Let’s dive into the interview with the author to know the journey of “Change your life in 21 days”.

Can you tell us a little about your book?

Change your life in 21 days -is very close to my heart. One reason being it is my book to be published and secondly, I am happy, the readers are not only loving it, but they are also benefitting from it, the way I wanted. They are actually able to understand how gratitude works and what are some of the best yet simple practices to bring out the effects of the same. So overall, I am happy that I am able to share what I have learned over years and it’s helping my readers.

Is there a specific event that inspired this story or was this an out-of-the-blue idea?

Through the Pandemic, I heard a lot of stories where couples were getting divorced, businesses were shutting down, and health getting affected – physically and mentally was definitely one of the major things everyone saw around them.

let’s take 1 example- couples getting divorced – when 2 people are locked together, what keeps them going is the relationship they share, if they love, and respect each other, chances are they could get through the difficult times, but if they were only surviving the marriage pre-covid because they could escape each other’s company for majority hours in a day, then it explains why they wanted a divorce when they were stuck together. all the problems I mentioned could be solved if people learned how to be grateful.

Riccha Dubey, Author Riccha Dubey,  Book Change your life in 21 days,

By understanding gratitude and practicing it the right way, life could have been much easier for a lot of people. so, here I am sharing the same. I believe it’s never too late to do the right thing, in this case, learn the right thing.

What got are you writing in the first place?

I kept speaking to my friends, trying to guide them through their tough moments, and that’s when I realized, I could help more people if I could in some way get through more people in one go. I am personally an avid reader, so this is what I could think of, writing the book and spreading the word.

What was your impression of your first draft when you read it?

Oh, my first draft was jumbled up Gibberish of my thoughts. Rightly put up by my son, he said,” your typing speed cannot keep up with your thoughts. you seem to have just typed in some words, please try and make sentences out of them, so that I can understand what you have written.” Yeah, I had asked him to read my first draft. Well, it took me seven sittings to finalize what you see today.

Which part of your story connects the most with you? Why?

It’s all from my heart, can’t put a finger on it. How can I say, which is my favorite eye? Every word I wrote is because I felt it.

What makes your book the one to read?

There are two types of students, one, who by-hearts the answers and the second who understands the concept. If you want to be the second one, understand the concept of gratitude and make it work wonders in your life, then this is your book to read.

What was the best advice you got while writing?

Just DO IT. Do it for yourself, Do it, so that you know you did the best you could. My dad said this when I told him that I was thinking of putting my thoughts into a book.

Who’s your all-time favorite author? Which book of his/hers made you fall in love with them?

I am made of not flesh and blood. I am made of the books I read. I love Anthony Robbins, Rhonda Bryne, Robin Sharma, Abraham Hicks, James Clear, and Jim Kwik. I dream of them living next door. I am so in love with these beautiful people.

What is your evergreen tip to the writers out there?

Write your heart, write what you feel, your experience. If you do that, you can never go wrong with it. the most unique thing about you is your mind and your heart. Just be honest with that, and you will never go wrong.

What was your hardest scene to write?

The hardest part of my book was Chapter 1, where I had to explain how Gratitude works, what exactly happens, and why. I truly hope I have been able to do justice to that.

Do you have another plot brewing?

Oh Yes! 2-3 actually. Forgiveness, How to manifest, 21 Manifestation techniques.

On that note, we can’t wait for what comes in this author’s story.

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