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Actor and Entrepreneur Mithun Purandare getting ahead of the curve with his stand-out Instagram Reels

By enticing and delighting its fans, Instagram Reels enables any brand or individual to explore their creativity. Instagram reels, a tool that has been around since its launch, have demonstrated to have some major brand power that not only boosts engagement and exposure but also has the potential to completely shift the game. The opportunity was harnessed by actor and entrepreneur Mithun Purandare with his creative videos to entertain his audience. Gathering immense popularity, Mithun’s Instagram reels were found to be engaging, thrilling, and inspiring.

Apart from being a talented actor and fashion entrepreneur, Mithun Purandare is also loved for his charming personality and killer sense of style. Mithun really knows how to brighten up someone’s day through his content and his audience really loves how he is coming up with some cool ideas. Indeed, Instagram reels turned out to be a paradise of opportunity for every brand and content creator who loves to explore more than a standard format of advertainment.

Mithun says “We have much to explore in the social media world. I love producing content for my brand Aliaum and my own personal page, Instagram has given me a huge opportunity to put my brand Aliaum on the map. When reels were first introduced by Instagram, people were moving faster with time and that was the phase when TikTok was banned in India and reels began to give high entertainment value making it easy and exciting to consume for the users and audience”

The audience loves how Mithun and the award-winning filmmaker Apurva Asrani are always on the go to entertain their fans with their super fun and witty relatable content. Scrolling through their hilarious reels on Bro Code episodes is honestly such a fun time, especially when they make hilarious yet accurate content that leaves us amused and laughing for hours.

The collab between Apurva Asrani and Mithun Purandare with Flexcia Dsouza, a renowned digital content creator based out of Goa. Their reels together during episode 5 of the Bro code video shoot were truly out of nowhere and the audience loved it. The reel was absolutely amazing and we couldn’t stop laughing. Their reels gave people new ways to express themselves and helped those with the ambition of becoming a creator take centre stage.

Mithun Purandare also talked about the collaboration with the most stunning private mansion in Goa, The Orchard Manor. Aliaum x Mithun Purandare showcased his exquisite clothing collection throughout the spectacular mansion, an Instagram reel surely not to be missed.

Capturing people’s attention on social media can be a pretty difficult thing. However, such is not the case with Julia, a dance choreographer based out of Goa who always find out new ways to innovate her content. Mithun’s collaboration with Julia and their transitional fun reels had spiced up their content, holding viewer’s attention that eventually led them to Instagram’s explore page. The best bit indeed!

If you are struggling to come up with Instagram Reels ideas for your business, skip straight to Mithun’s Instagram Profile to jumpstart your creativity and convert new business partners in no time.

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